Home » Gospel Teaching » How To Quit Porn Addiction Finally & Overcome The Temptation

How To Quit Porn Addiction Finally & Overcome The Temptation

by Francis Ebere
quit porn addiction

Having some bad addictions, you want to quit porn, and you hate to see yourself being someone who is too addicted to pornography? You’re in the right place, as this article would help you overcome that addiction, be it as a Christian or anybody.

In all honesty, even Christians are battling with pornography. Ministers are not safe either. Ladies are progressively getting dependent on pornography at a disturbing rate. What should be possible to defeat such a fortification? What weapons would we be able to utilize to battle this psyche desensitizing addiction? Let’s see how the Internet contributes to this;

Relation between the Internet & Pornography

With the happening in the Internet, its fame has been taking off, however so too has been a scourge of the most exceedingly awful kind; pornography. Ordinarily, there are new porn sites that go up. Exactly how foundational is the issue of Internet pornography? As indicated by the stats of Family Safe Media (familysafemedia.com/pornography):

  • In 1 second – 28,258 Internet user are seeing pornography
  • In every second – 372 Internet user searches for Adult related keywords on search engines
  • In about 40 minutes – another pornographic video is being made in the United States

Another disturbing actuality is that over 42% of all Internet users are associating with pornography on over 4.2 million pornographic sites. Governments finds it hard to close these down on the grounds that for each one that is closed down there are 20 more that have its spot. Let’s say its a disease with such a disturbing development rate and the issue was so far reaching among the total populace, this would be on each system TV slot in each country of the world. Truly, it is more terrible than any sickness, since we are feeble to stop it and there is no vaccination against it.

What Does Pornography Cost You

Not only is pornography destroying relationships and single people lives, it is additionally destroying them monetarily and financially. You may wanna ask, How? Consistently, in every minute – $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography. That is over $180,000 in an hour. This signifies well more than 4,000,000 dollars each and every day.

Around the world, the all out expense is over $97 billion dollars yearly. These are dollars that feed the transgression of pornography and empowers it to produce more trash of the brain. It’s just like taking care of a mythical beast that is eating up a large number of individuals through their brains. This is really one of the greatest income creators on the planet; greater than Amazon, Microsoft, Google, eBay, Yahoo!, Apple, EarthLink, and Netflix consolidated! This is cash is removed from the mouth of the family’s ledgers, cash removed from business incomes, out of world incomes, and truly, cash out of the mouths of youngsters.

Even Christians are Guilty

Unfortunately, 47% of all Christians state that they have serious issues with pornography. Indeed, even among the apprenticeship gathering of the Promise Keepers, 53% of these men saw pornography in the most recent week! An April sixth, 2007 CNN survey uncovered that over 70% of Christian men and over 20% of Christian ladies are as of now dependent on an Internet pornography. In the year 2000, Christianity Today finished a stunning review that uncovered 33% of the ministry (ministers and pastors) admitted that they had visited an explicitly unequivocal Internet site in the previous week. 53 percent of the clergy had visited pornographic sites a few times in the previous year. In an overview of ministers by the National Coalition in Seattle, a full 98% had been exposed to pornographic content while 43% visited those explicit website on purpose.

We can see from the stat above that this is a genuine problem and it is developing at a disturbing rate and it isn’t only an issue for those outside the House of GOD. Given the way that Jesus said that “that any individual who looks at a lady [or a man if a lady is looking] with lust has just committed adultery with her [or him] in his [or her] heart.” (Matt 5:28). Pornography will still be considered as sexual sin, regardless of whether the physical demonstration isn’t included.


Pray to God for Grace to change.

Aside from the grace of God, No doubt, we are weak to abandon the wicked and sinful habits. Psalm 34:17, Open in Logos Bible Software (if accessible) says, “When the righteous cry for help, the LORD hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” If you end up troubled by the wrongdoing of desire, shout out to God for liberation and the elegance to change. Christ can give you another heart, reestablished delight, a clean and reestablished conscience.. Genuine change can’t occur separated from God’s grace, so as you keep on perusing, pray for God’s grace to help you to apply these principles.

Rrecognize that what you are doing is wrong

Somehow, addicts figures out how to legitimize their concern in their mind. “For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.1 John 2:16

Keep Yourself Busy & Kill Boredom

Most times, It’s about what we find on search engines, and how our searches deceive who we really are and expose how many of us lie about ourselves—maybe even to ourselves.

One of the most surprising causes of addiction is what lots of people search for on engines when they are jobless.
What might you presume?
You may think that what they search for are things like “Find Job,” “Now recruiting,” or “Staffing Agency“, “Job near me” etc?
Not a chance. The greatest connection to the joblessness rate is porn. At the point when the joblessness rate is too high, so are porn searches online. At the point when the joblessness rate is at its most reduced, so it is on search engines

Boredom Is Very Bad
If you’ve decided to quit watching porn, one of the most significant advances is to discover and find something to do.
I don’t simply mean find something that will consume your psyche and keep you occupied, in spite of the fact that it’s among the ways of fighting this addiction., You need something that inspires you to work harder. Put resources into yourself, be energetic and passionate, make something, and be happy with what you do.
The time you discover something you have passion for, you will, in general, utilize your available opportunity to work on that thing, instead of being exhausted and letting your brain lead you to places it shouldn’t go.

Stay Around People Most Time

It’s difficult to look at nudes, and naked people while others are near/around. If by chance, you don’t believe me, then attempt it. All things considered, You should probably not try it. Simply believe me.

Porn is normally a dishonorable thing, Even for individuals who state they have no ethical issue with it by any means. Watching it with others around simply isn’t something the majority of us are eager or willing to do. Also, being with people is still almost similar to the previous step – Stay Busy
We as a whole realize that the community is an incredible method to put our time. In any case, possibly you’ve never considered how spending time with friends and companions has the additional advantage of helping you quit watching porn.

Hate and Detest Your Sin

Understand that this sin could wreck you, your family, your marriage, and your observer. Understand that the people you lust for are made in God’s image and accomplishing something that will damn them to hell if they eventually don’t repent. Request that God give you power over your wrongdoing and practice genuine repentance. Hating your wrongdoing and not simply it’s results implies doing all that you can to change, even awkward things.

Learn to flee Temptations

Self-deception may enter when you want to behave recklessly without getting scorched.
14 Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evildoers. 15 Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn from it and go on your way. Proverbs 4:14-15.

This could mean setting up channels on your PC, telephone, or TV, and tossing out whatever works up your flesh. Don’t tolerate your sin any more than you would tolerate an armed killer living in your house. You are frail and need to lay straight ways for your feet so that in a snapshot of shortcoming you can stand firm in God’s quality.

Don’t Blame Others

You may say “If my wife/husband were simply increasingly loving and well affectionate.” … “If ladies/men were not all that seductive.” Adam accused Eve and she accused the snake. Rather, you should start to assume liability i.e take responsibility for your activities and deeds. You’ll better work on yourself after understanding this

Don’t Give Up

In Christ, there is rebuilding, reclamation, and healing. Despite the fact that you might be debilitated and face difficulties, put your expectation in Christ, and hush up about teaching the gospel. Realize that your endeavors and energies to seek after Christ and battle sin are satisfying to Him, and pursue Him with all that you have. If you are in Christ, you have a living Savior who lives in you and mediates for you. If you fail by chance, don’t let demoralization lead you to surrender, however respect Christ by not surrendering and giving up. You’ll be fine

I really want to see you free, and I know you want that for yourself. Things are going to be fine with time. Just trust the process.

Author: Nkemdirim Collins of CeeNaija.com


Son of God July 29, 2020 - 12:33 pm

Amazing write up…
Keep it up

chukwudi Agu December 6, 2020 - 7:12 am


Gsahulo January 24, 2021 - 1:14 am

Thanks a million


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